Grow smarter

Accelerate word of mouth growth and route density in your most valuable neighborhoods

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Why top companies use StreetFair

Word of mouth matters
Neighborhood referrals are the most efficient way to grow your business.
Route density matters
Say goodbye to windshield time. Increase profitability per route by getting more customers in the same neighborhood.
Paying for leads is wrong
Never ‘pay to play’ again. We only make money when you complete jobs.

Be the "go-to" business on the block

StreetFair is the home services platform for neighborhoods. We make it really easy for neighbors to coordinate home services together, hiring the trusted pros their neighbors already use and have scheduled. 

Which means you get more customers on the same street.

It's free to join StreetFair

Step 1

Select the key neighborhoods you want to grow your business

Step 2

List your services and create group deals specific to your target neighborhoods

Step 3

Watch as customer referrals and route density increase

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have doubts? Here's everything we think you should know.

What integrations do you support?

We can support platforms integrated with Checkout, Billing, and Invoicing. We can’t support PaymentIntent users but if you’re a platform interested in building your own UI for one-off payments, we’d love to hear from you!

What is the waiting period for my first payout?

The first payout for every new account is typically paid out 7 days after the first successful payment is received. This waiting period can be up to 14 days for businesses in certain industries, and up to 30 days in countries such as Brazil.

Can I withdraw my money anytime?

Yes, Stripe allows you to opt for a payout whenever you want. You can also opt for a scheduled payout every month.

Do you support PO box addresses?

In general, PO Boxes aren’t part of our US address database. If the address for a PO Box or other address can’t be found in the address database, the location is approximated using the rest of the address details, such as the postal code.

Finally, a better way.

Get started

StreetFair is the home services platform for neighborhoods

Become to the "go-to" company on the block

Optimize payments

Add your customers’ preferred way of paying in 135+ currencies.

Grow your revenue

Create an account in minutes and start using SDKs to securely accept payments.

Work on the go

Accept payments in your iOS or Android app using our mobile SDKs.

Put security first

Increase authorisation rates on every payment using machine learning and AI.

Keep your money secure, always.

Runway protects your money with a world class security system that helps detect fraud and prevents hacking. Safeguard your account with your screen lock, such as your fingerprint.

For a wide variety of businesses.

Software as Service

Grow your business with secure, fast payments.
Keep your money secure until goods are shipped
Access new sellers and markets to grow your business
Fully verify seller's identity and compliance status


Give your customers a smooth payment experience.
Create custom checkout experience for your business
Share payment link via an email, SMS, messenger, chatbot etc. and get paid immediately.
Accept payments from 135 countries, support multiple payment options popular in each country


Give your customers the gift of modern, frictionless, painless payments. Integrate Paystack once and
Usage-based and flexible based on the capabilities you need.
Use our API or send payouts directly
Give your customers the gift of modern

Why The Top Pros Use StreetFair

Integrate Runway easily on your website or app with our developer friendly APIs and plugins. Let your customers pay you however they want.

Kind words form online industry leaders

“Being able to pay buyers and suppliers on a daily basis, without any speedbumps, has changed our business relationships for the better. Runway solved this problem for us, providing not only a convenient technology but so the operational support to make it easier.”
James Roy
Founder, LightSound
“The ability to make secure and quick international payments is very important for any organisation that takes its growth seriously. We're completing 13% more deals, thanks to secure escrow payments from Runway.”
Elsa Hatheway
Co-founder, Turbolock

Grow smarter

Increase customer referrals and route density in your most valuable neighborhoods.
Get Started Now